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It would give it back to you

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Q: What if you turned in a red box movie but it really wasn't the movie?
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Is the purge real or not?

Purge is said to make his debut in the upcoming Pokemon platinumif you have a action replay you can get purge in pkmn pearl and pkmn platinum and pkmn diomand. I put a palkia, dialga, giritina, darkrai, shaymin, pikachu and gengar and I put each codes for a super pikachu and gengar and the other Pokemon and pushed create code (on my pokesav the old edition) and it made this really short code I went on my game and pushed L+R and I got a bad egg - I turned my game off, took my AR out and turned my game back on - when I looked in my party I still had a egg but it wasnt a bad egg! It took me 80,000 steaps to hatch it and when it hatched it was "congrats your egg hatcthed into palkia dialga giritina darkrai shaymin pikachu gangar!" and it flashed black and white for about 10 minutes but then it turned off my game and it took me to the title. I turned on my game, looked in my party and there was the egg again. I hoped it wouldn't take 80 thousand steps again - instead it only took 200 steps and my screen turned white, then there was my brand new purge - it wasnt at level 1 though it was at level 5 and it had awesome moves and maxed out stats.I hoped it wasnt one of those Pokemon where you can't put it in the PC or else it's stats will go to normal but I put it in my last box (box 18) and it didn't love it's stats, so only put your purge in box 18.

Does Toy Story 3 toy box mode for wi?

it is for WII, X-BOX, and alot of other gaming systems and you should really watch the movie it is nothing like the other movies

How much money did Ninja Assassin gross in the theaters?

This international action packed movie made a whopping $61,590,252 at the box office. When the movie industry puts a movie out there it really never knows how it will be received and how much people will be willing to put money out to see the movie.

What is the music box tune in the movie music box 1989?

The answer is: Music Box Dancer

What does Mae tucks music box look like?

looks like a round circle with black paint with a crank on it's side . you should see the movie it is really good . Mae tucks music box is like a box at the bottom with a round top with roses on it.... by:mecca mason

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When was Genesis The Movie Box created?

Genesis The Movie Box was created in 1981.

Is the purge real or not?

Purge is said to make his debut in the upcoming Pokemon platinumif you have a action replay you can get purge in pkmn pearl and pkmn platinum and pkmn diomand. I put a palkia, dialga, giritina, darkrai, shaymin, pikachu and gengar and I put each codes for a super pikachu and gengar and the other Pokemon and pushed create code (on my pokesav the old edition) and it made this really short code I went on my game and pushed L+R and I got a bad egg - I turned my game off, took my AR out and turned my game back on - when I looked in my party I still had a egg but it wasnt a bad egg! It took me 80,000 steaps to hatch it and when it hatched it was "congrats your egg hatcthed into palkia dialga giritina darkrai shaymin pikachu gangar!" and it flashed black and white for about 10 minutes but then it turned off my game and it took me to the title. I turned on my game, looked in my party and there was the egg again. I hoped it wouldn't take 80 thousand steps again - instead it only took 200 steps and my screen turned white, then there was my brand new purge - it wasnt at level 1 though it was at level 5 and it had awesome moves and maxed out stats.I hoped it wasnt one of those Pokemon where you can't put it in the PC or else it's stats will go to normal but I put it in my last box (box 18) and it didn't love it's stats, so only put your purge in box 18.

Does Toy Story 3 toy box mode for wi?

it is for WII, X-BOX, and alot of other gaming systems and you should really watch the movie it is nothing like the other movies

You typed in the Action Replay Cheat for Jirachi on Pokemon Pearl and checked your party and box but it wasnt there what do you do now?

delete the code

Where did the term box office come from when Shakespeare was alive?

from his brain. he wasnt very smart. look at a different website please

How much money did Ninja Assassin gross in the theaters?

This international action packed movie made a whopping $61,590,252 at the box office. When the movie industry puts a movie out there it really never knows how it will be received and how much people will be willing to put money out to see the movie.

What is the music box tune in the movie music box 1989?

The answer is: Music Box Dancer

Where can you download The Box Movie?

you can download The Box Movie.i have share with a good place download can follow >Download The Box Movie Online< & >Download Movies

Is avatar the best movie of all time?

In my opnion, I think it was. It was my all time favorite really. The movie is pretty longg, but it's still amazing. How the graphics are etc. It does have high box top ratings or so .

How do you find a title of a movie?

you look at the cover of a movie box