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Q: What impact did industrialization have on the working classmiddle classand wealthy in the late 1800?
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How did industrialization impact the lives of the working class?

Industrialization generally improved the earnings of the working class, thus increasing their spending power. However, industrialization also led to the working class working longer and longer hours in poor conditions.

What impact did industrialization have on the working class?

Industrialization led many working class people to move to large cities. Many of them worked in dangerous conditions in factories and mines.

What do you call it when a country is working towards industrialization?

developing country

What is the solution to industrialization?

By making industries working with solar power

Countries that are working toward industrialization are called?

devolping countries

Why did radical republicans begin to lose power?

Quote from similar Question Southern white males became re-enfranchised, while Northern voters became less concerned with the problems of the newly-freed slaves and more concerned with the problems of industrialization - monopolies, abuse of working people, rise of the super-wealthy, etc.

How did industrialization promote the formation of working-class organizations?

Industrialization led to the uneven distribution of wealth and poorer living conditions of the working class prompting them to organize to combat the worsening conditions. Many of the movements gained momentum first in the artisans as the competition resulting from industrialization and mechanization outproduced them.

What were some of the negative affects of industrialization in the United States?

Industrialization led to dangerous working conditions, filthy living conditions, child labor, etc.

How did industrialization affect business owners and working classes laborers differently?


What are some features of the social democracy that are common in Europe?

Features of the social democracy common in Europe:Public health care.Democratically elected officials.State-sponsored social programsPromoting the interests of the working classand, subsequentlyhigher taxes

Which events did the most to increase the self-identity of the working class in the US?

industrialization in America

Rise of labor unions in US can be directly attributed to?

Industrialization and the deterioration of working conditions.