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Cletus Quigley

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Q: What is Africa transition zone between desert and rain forest?
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What is the transition zone between desert and grassland called?

It is called a savanna, a transition between a desert and a grassland or forest.

Which biome transition between forest and desert?

A savannah is usually the transition between a desert and a forest or a desert and a grassland. It has a few trees but mostly grass and scrub as the principal vegetation.

What Countries does the Kalahari desert cover?

the Kalahari Desert is located in Southwest Africa and covers in part: South Africa, Nambia and Botswana

Does the taiga form a transition between deserts and forests?

No, the taiga is a forest. A savanna forms a transition zone between a desert and a forest.

What do you call it where there is not enough water to support a forest but there is too much for a desert?

Savanna is the transition zone between a forest and a desert.

What is transition area between deserts and temperate forests?

The transition zone between a desert and a forest is a savanna.

What is a dry grassland that usually surrounds a desert?

A savanna is a transition grassland between a desert and another biome.

What animals are there in the Savanna Desert?

There is no Savanna Desert. The savanna is a separate semiarid transition zone between a desert and a grassland or forest.

What in the Savanna Desert eats mushrooms?

The savannah is not a desert, it is a distinct biome, a transition zone between a desert and a forest or grassland.

The strip of land that divides the desert from wetter areas?

The savanna is a biome that is a transition zone between a desert and a forest or grassland.

How big is the savanna desert?

There is no Savanna Desert. The savanna is a distinct semi-arid biome, a transition zone between a desert and a grassland or forest.

Where is the Savannah Desert located?

There is no such thing as the Savanna Desert. The savanna is a semi-arid transitional biome between a desert and another biome such as a grassland. The largest is in Africa below the Sahara Desert.