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The motto of Bede Polding College is '-->'.

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Q: What is Bede Polding College's motto?
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Related questions

What is the motto of Bede Polding College?

The motto of Bede Polding College is 'TEXT GOES HERE'.

When was Bede Polding College created?

Bede Polding College was created in 1986.

Who was John Bede Poldings parents?

John Bede Polding was born to William Polding and Bridget Polding in Liverpool, England.

What did john bede polding do?

was a archbihop

Where did john bede polding live?


Why did John Bede Polding become pope?

He was never a pope. John Bede Polding, OSB, was the first Roman Catholic Bishop and then Archbishop of Sydney, Australia.

Who was the first bishop in Australia?

John Bede Polding

What was the qualities of john bede polding?

he started many schools

Who came to Australia with Bishop Bede Polding?

no one he smelt funny

When did John Bede Polding's parents die?

between the time he was 8

What was John Bede polding's first job?

his first job was to be a bishop in rome

When did Bede Polding get ordained a priest?

He was Ordained a Priest By Bishop Poynter on the 4th of March 1819