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Q: What is Ollie Tyler job as mayor?
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Who is your mayor in Tyler?

Rick Perry

Was John Tyler governor or a mayor?

from my knowledge, he had many positions and he was governor in 1825, but not mayor.

What happened to what Tyler?

He attempted to kill the king but the mayor got in the way. Luckily for the mayor he had armour on and was not harmed. So the mayor grabbed him and stabbed him several times. Then later beheaded him. P.S: His name is wat tyler not what

Who is to blame for wat tyler's death medieval times?

The mayor of London is to blame for Wat Tyler's death in two ways. 1. Some people believe that the king told him to kill Wat Tyler. 2. Others think that the Mayor of London got angry with Wat Tyler as he was speaking inappropriately to the king.

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How does a mayor get its position?

he get his job by makin the election..............

Who is the mayor of chantilly?

As of 2014, the current mayor of Chantilly in Northern France is Eric Woerth. He has held the job of mayor on and off since 1995.

Why did the Mayor kill Wat Tyler?

Reports say that the king ordered him to lay hands on him so he stabbed him.

Who killed Wat Tyler?

The lord mayor of London, Sir William Walworth (at that time) is reported to be the killer.

Why is the job of mayor importants?

to solve undecided decisions