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3547, come on you do not know it and i do and i am 11
total capacity of 1178 people

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Q: What is Titanic total capicity?
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What amount for people did the lifeboats of the Titanic hold?

Titanic carried 20 lifeboats and they could hold 52% of the people on board. That was more lifeboat capicity than the law at the time required!

How many propellors did the Titanic have?

The Titanic had a total of three propellers

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20,000 total vehicle and trailer gross weight.

How many passenger were on titanic in total?

There was a total of 1317 passengers on Titanic. 500 lived and 817 died.

How many total passengers were on the Titanic?

There were 2,224 passengers aboard the Titanic.

How many lifeboat were there in the Titanic?

Titanic carried a total of 20 lifeboats

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I don't know what you mean by "Capicity," but the capital city of New York is Albany.

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How many passangers were traveling in total on titanic?

2,228 people boarded the titanic

How many dogs were aboard the Titanic?

the total number of dogs on the titanic was 19

Does the Titanic did have men?

795 male passengers sailed on Titanic, as did 868 male crewmembers for a total of 1,663 males on Titanic.

How many people were there on the titanic?

there where approximately 2000 people aboard3433