

What is a LDR?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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13y ago

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A L.D.R is a light dependant resistor

A photo resistor or Light Dependent Resistor or CDS Cell is an electronic component whose resistance decreases with increasing incident light intensity. It can also be referred to as a photo conductor.

A photo resistor is made of a high resistance semiconductor. If light falling on the device is of high enough frequency, photons absorbed by the semiconductor give bound electrons enough energy to jump into the conduction band. The resulting free electron (and its hole partner) conduct electricity, thereby lowering resistance.

A photoelectric device can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. An intrinsic semiconductor has its own charge carriers and is not an efficient semiconductor, egg. silicon. In intrinsic devices, the only available electrons are in the valence band, and hence the photon must have enough energy to excite the electron across the entire band gap. Extrinsic devices have impurities added, which have a ground state energy closer to the conduction band - since the electrons don't have as far to jump, lower energy photons (i.e. longer wavelengths and lower frequencies) are sufficient to trigger the device. If a sample of silicon has some of its atoms replaced by phosphorus atoms(impurities), there will be extra electrons available for conduction.

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An LDR is a Light dependent resistor.

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What does LDR change as the what intensity changes?

As the light intensity increases, the resistance of an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) decreases. This means that the LDR becomes more conductive and allows more current to flow through it. Conversely, when the light intensity decreases, the resistance of the LDR increases, reducing the current flowing through it.

What will the decrease of the light intensity on an LDR do to the ammeter reading?

The decrease of light intensity on an LDR will cause the resistance of the LDR to increase, which will result in a decrease in current flow through the circuit. As a result, the ammeter reading will decrease.

When light falls on ldr resistance is increasing why?

When light falls on an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor), more photons are absorbed by the semiconductor material in the LDR, causing more electron-hole pairs to be generated. This increases the conductivity of the material, resulting in a decrease in resistance. Hence, the resistance of an LDR decreases with an increase in light intensity.

What happens to an LDR when a bright light is shined upon it?

An LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) decreases its resistance when exposed to bright light due to the increase in photons striking its surface, allowing more current to flow through it. This change in resistance can be used to detect light levels and trigger corresponding actions in electronic circuits.

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What is the market cap for LDR Holding Corporation LDRH?

As of July 2014, the market cap for LDR Holding Corporation (LDRH) is $534,318,199.51.