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A star, or a sun. (If it's close, it's a sun. If it's a long way away, it's a star.)

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9y ago

One such definition would be a star

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Q: What is a giant hot ball of gas ball called?
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Is a gas giant hot or cold?

yes they are very very hot

What is a giant ball of hot gases?

The Sun is a Giant ball of burning gases, but the sun is a star so I'm guessing what you are looking for is the Sun or a Star.

What is a giant ball of hot gases that undergo nuclear fusion?

a star

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There are no giant balls of burning glasses: glass is not really a combustible material.

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the SUN

Why does sun have to be hot?

It is a ball of fire. It is a gigantic ball of fiery gas. So, yes. I think that the Sun is hot.

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the sun is a hot ball of gas

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an astroid

What is a ball of hot gas that astronomers study and burn brightly in the atmosphere?

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Is your sun also a star?

the definition of a star is hot ball of gas, so it is a star.