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Q: What is a house shared by several Iroquois families?
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a poor persons house is shared by many families but a rich persons house is a huge building made for one big family and looks very posh

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A communal house is a shared living space where multiple individuals or families reside together, sharing common areas and resources such as kitchens, bathrooms, and living rooms. Residents may also participate in shared responsibilities and decision-making processes within the household.

What type of house do the Iroquois build?

Most people who live in the iroquois nation lived in longhouses.

What is the difference between an Iroquois and an Algonquian home?

A Iroquois home is a longhouse and a Algonquian's house is round.

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It is difficult to find shared ownership mortgages as house prices are rising. Because house prices are rising this means that mortgage payments in general are going up. This means shared ownership mortgages are less accessible to their targeted market as they are designed for low income families to help them onto the property ladder.

Did the Iroquois have a permenant house?

yea it is a longhouse

What type of hose were built by the Iroquois?

long house

Did Iroquois live in what type of house?

in long houses

What homes did the eastern woodlands lived in?

Usually wigwams and longhouses. The wigwams would house a single family, while normally the longhouses would house several families.

Why do you think each longhouse had a central area with shared cooking fires?

Because there were alot of families so they had to share the kitchen and make food for themselfs

Why is this Iroquois dwelling is called a longhouse?

it was literally a long house