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The dates in a lunisolar calendar relate to both the phases of the moon and the season of the solar year. There are 12 months in the year, with each month beginning with the new moon. However, in order to remain in sync with the tropical year, an extra month is typically intercalated every two or three years. Examples of lunisolar calendars are the Buddhist, Hindu, Hebrew and Chinese calendars.

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Q: What is a lunisolar calendar?
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What is the difference between Hebrew calendar and Gregorian calendar?

The Gregorian Calendar is solar and the Hebrew Calendar is lunisolar.

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The civil version of the Julian calendar is based on the su, and so it is solar. However, the Julian calendar includes an undated lunar calendar that allows it to calculate when Easter is, so it is lunisolar.

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The Moon!Easter is one of the Movable Feasts. It never stays on a fixed date.What people use, to determine the date, is what is called a Lunisolar calendar. By calculating the position of the moon, they are able to identify the date.This, Lunisolar calendar, is a complicated mathimatical forumla also explaining things like: when a leap year is (as a year is 365.25 days), or an 19-year cycle.If you would like to learn more about the Lunisolar calendar, go to Wikipedia: Lunisolar Calendar, or New Year Festival: Lunisolar Calendar.

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What did the Chinese base their calendar on?

A Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, so based on the moon and the sun's year. It is also based on a 12 year cycle using 12 different animals.

How many months are in a lunar calendar?

One year of a lunar calendar has 12 months, but it's about 11 days shorter than one year of the Gregorian calendar. A lunisolar calendar has months that are based on the cycle of the moon phases, but it also has leap years to keep the average length of a year close to the time it takes for the earth to orbit the sun. A regular year of a lunisolar calendar has 12 months, and a leap year has 13 months.

What is the hebrew calendar based on?

It is lunisolar. It is based on the solar year, with adjustments to keep the months in line with the lunar cycle.

According to Hindu Calendar what was the day on 14-03-1959?

According to the Hindi Lunisolar Ashada 30th Phalguna 2066

What does the ditloid 13 m you a c l y mean?

13 Months in a Chinese Lunar Year It could also be Calendar instead of Chinese. This is calculated using a lunisolar calendar.

Is the Hebrew calendar based on the lunar calendar?

The Hebrew calendar is a lunisolar calendar; it follows both the moon and the sun. Each month begins at the time of the new moon like a lunar calendar, but seven out of every nineteen years have thirteen months each instead of twelve to keep the calendar in sync with the seasons.

How does the Hebrew calendar work in Norway?

The Hebrew calendar works the same in every country of the world, including Norway. It's a lunisolar calendar with 12 lunar months, and a leap year adjustment of an extra month every few years.

Which is Chinese calender?

Chinese calendar may refer to any of the official and civil calendars used in China and some neighboring countries in different periods of history; however, the phrase is generally synonymous with Han calendar.The official calendar in China today is the Gregorian calendar, which is a solar calendar. It is used for public and business affairs.The civil calendar in much of China is the Han calendar, which is a lunisolar calendar. It is used for selecting the day of a wedding or funeral, for opening a venture, or a relocation.The Han calendar is a lunisolar calendar, which indicates both the moon phases and the solar terms. In Han calendar, a year usually begins on the second dark moon after the winter solstice but occasionally on the third dark moon after the winter solstice.