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Q: What is a males average shoulder width?
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What is the average shoulder width for a 13 year old girl?

6 inches and 2 cm.

How wide is the average shoulder width for a average male and an average female?

The average shoulder width for an adult male is approximately 18-22 inches, while for an adult female it is typically around 14-18 inches. These measurements can vary depending on factors such as height, body frame, and muscle mass.

What is a cheetah's width?

adult cheetahs can be an average of 67 cms. for females and 71 cms. for males,

How long is the distance on an average person from your shoulders to the bottom of your chest?

Based on their measurements, the average shoulder width for American women was 14.4 inches (36.7 cm). Based on the shoulder measurements of 7,476 men aged 20 years and older taken during the same time period, the average shoulder width of men in the United States was 16.1 inches (41.1 cm).

What is Dwight Howard shoulder width?

dwight howard's shoulder width is 36 inches.Type your answer here...

What is the average height of a nova scotia duck tolling retriever?

43 to 53 cm at the shoulder. The males are slightly larger than the females.

What is Arnold Schwarzenegger's shoulder width?

arnold sholders width is 85 cm.

What is the height of the Tasmanian tiger?

Adult Tasmanian tigers, or Thylacines, stood about 40-60 cm at the shoulder. The males were larger than females on average.

What was Micheal Jordan shoulder width?

40 inches

What is the width of a average swan?

The width of the average swan is 102 metres.

How big will an English bulldog boxer get?

Males - 15 to 18 inches at the shoulder. Females - 14 to 18 inches at the shoulder.

What is a African lions height?

Head and body length of a full grown lion is 170-250 cm in males and 140-175 cm in females. Shoulder height is up to 4 ft in males and as low as 3 ft in females. The tail length is 90-105 cm in males and 70-100 cm in females.