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The standard unit of electric energy is the Watt Hour.

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Q: What is a measure of the energy electrons transfer to a circuit as they flow?
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Is a measure of the energy electrons transfer to a circuit as they flow?

The standard unit of electric energy is the Watt Hour.

Is voltage the measure of the energy electrons transfer to a circuit as they flow?

A: NO voltage is a potential that theoretically can exits without any current flow

What measure of electrical energy transfers by electrons in a circuit?


What is the equivalent transfer of electrons from one compound to another?

Equivalent to ENERGY transfer

What is the measure of electrical energy transferred by electrons in a circuit?

The unit volt is dimensionally joules per coulomb (Energy / Charge). For a give amount of electric charge, higher voltage means more energy.The unit electron volt (eV) has the dimension of energy: 1 Volt times the charge on 1 electron.AnswerElectrons don't transfer energy in a circuit. If you think about it, it should be obvious. In the case of d.c., electrons move so slowly that they couldn't possibly be transferring energy from the supply to the load. In the case a a.c., they are continually moving backward and forward, so cannot transfer energy from the supply to the load. Energy is transferred by a combination of the electric and magnetic fields, probably by means of the 'Poynting field', which is external to the conductors.

What type of energy transfer occurs between electrons?

This is known as electron-transfer (ET).

Where do the electrons in a covalent bond come from?

Electrons in a covalent bond come from the highest occupied energy level.

What accouts for most of the energy exchange in cells?

The transfer of electrons

What is this is the energy associated with movement of electrons through a wire or circuit?

That's called electrical energy.

When a light switch is turned on in a dc circuit what is the average speed of electrons in the lamp?

Speed of electronsYou can indeed calculate this if you have much more information. (See the nearby link.) But the surprising thing is that the electrons travel VERY SLOWLY. In fact, if the electrons had to get to the lamp before you would see the light, we would wait several seconds in the dark each time we turned on the light.So the energy transfer in a circuit is wildly different from the electron transfer.

What does it mean to say that waves transfer energy without moving the medium in same direction?

The energy moves but the medium stays put. A cork will rest in one spot with the waves passing underneath it. In an electrical circuit the energy moves, but the electrons remain in place.

What is the Measure of the energy available to move electrons or potential difference?

potential energy