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Such a person is called an OPSIMATH. The Oxford Dictionary of English, while stating that the word is now used only rarely, defines an opsimath as "a person who begins to learn or study only late in life."

The word originates from the "late 19th century : from Greek ὀψιµαθής (opsimathes) from opse 'late' + the stem math- 'learn'."

1883 Church Times 9 Feb. 97 "Those who gave the name were not simple enough to think that even an opsimath was not something better than a contented dunce."    

1883 Sat. Rev. 3 Feb. 159/1 "[He] is what the Greeks called an opsimath; not ignorant, but a laggard in learning."

Wikipedia: "Opsimathy was once frowned upon, used as a put-down with implications of laziness, and considered less effective by educators than early learning."

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