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Q: What is a very interesting math concept to research?
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Why is math your favorite?

Maths is a very interesting subject.

Does math make you sleepy?

If you are doing math that bores you, the boredom can make you sleepy. There are many different types of math, and some of these can be very interesting to those who understand them, but some types of math can be very boring.

How would you use math at a baseball game?

Personally, I would bring a few math problems with me, so that if I had to stay there very long, I would have something interesting to do.

How is math used in medical researching?

Just from the angle of reporting of research results alone (not even considering how math might be used in the research treatments themselves) a very careful and sophisticated knowledge of statistics is needed.

What is to know about Maya Angelou?

She was a women who inspired people like to write poems, and she is very interesting to do research about.

What is maths all about?

Maths is all about adding,subtracting,diving,and also could do fraction tally charts bar graphs and many moreMaths is a very fun and good subject it is not always hard to do. Our math Professor Ghulam Hyder a great teacher used to define math : You find math as base of many subjects such as: math in phycics , math in chemistry , math in economic , math in statistics , math in computers ---- math in math. Math is a language of symbols that is very interesting to study all subjects . You might not believe but I presented Axiomatic Educational Strategy for 21st Century at IEEE P Silver Juble Technical International Session in Math. Decrytption of Harappan Script is 1st sucessful model in a century as my research work.

How focused should a research topic be and why?

Research should be well focused, otherwise it becomes so broad that you can not do anything more than take a general survey, and arrive usually at very obvious conclusions. Specific research leads to more interesting results. For example, research about war in general will be too broad, but research about a specific war is more interesting, and research about a specific campaign or a specific aspect of a specific war would be even more likely to produce an interesting result.

Did Queen Elizabeth have a best friend - another Elizabeth?

Yes , she was called Bess . Research her , she's a very interesting person .

Sentence for homeostasis?

Homeostasis is the state of equilibrium. An example sentence would be: The homeostasis was very interesting to everyone doing the research.

Four methods of market research?

5 different methods of secondary market research are : Questionnaires Interviews Surveys Observations and testing I think these are the most important in secondary research because I find it very interesting and helpful! :)

Why Sikhism had so much appeal?

Sikhism is a very interesting religion is you look into it. They have different beliefs and they worship their Guru's and God. Research them.

Why maths is not a interesting subject?

first of all, the reason you may not like math is because you are not very smart, reason being that you dont even know how to spell interesting. Oh, and learn how to use proper english, we are in America