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Like sharks and dogs, young anteaters are called pups. After birth, the pup crawls onto its mothers back and stays until it's ready to fend for itself.

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Q: What is a young anteater called?
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Anteaters male and female anteater are similar to pigs. The male is called a boar and female is a sow. Young anteaters are referred to as pups.

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The echidna, sometimes also called the spiny anteater, has fur and quills.

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Does a spiny anteater give birth to live young?

No. The proper name of the spiny anteater is echidna, and it is not related to anteaters at all. A female echidna lays a single egg every breeding season.

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A tail. Or more specifically an anteater's tail.

Who Would Win A Anteater Or An Ocelot?

Depends, If The Anteater Is A Small, Regular One Like A Tamunda. Then, The Ocelot. But If The Anteater Was A Giant Anteater. Then, The Anteater.