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Q: What is advantage of blue eyes technology of computer?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of blue eyes technology?

One advantage of blue eye technology is that it can help different forms of information systems. One disadvantage is its reliability.

Who invented blue eyes technology?


Who invent the blue eyes technology?


How computer related blue eyes technology been applied in computers?

i think its through artificial neural network.actually give training to the artificial neurons and make them learn.i mean deep blue computer used for playing chess.

What is blue eye technology?

Blue in this term stands for Bluetooth, which enables reliable wireless communication and the Eyes because the eye movement enables us to obtain a lot of interesting and important information. The basic idea behind this technology is to give computer human power.

Why it got the name blue eyes?

i think blue eyes means human interacting with computer mainly through eyes so it got blue eyes,but why it called blue eyes ,why don't u call brown eyes ,black eyes etc that's my doubt

What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet in Malayalam?

computer s r not for eyes

How is blue eyes devices enabled POD technology used in cars and PONG a robot?

If Tamer Rofaeil the invent of the blue eyes technology do it right Because it help to make some Changes and keep track with your car and no matter what type of car you have

What is blue eye?

Blue in this term stands for Bluetooth, which enables reliable wireless communication and the Eyes because the eye movement enables us to obtain a lot of interesting and important information. The basic idea behind this technology is to give computer human power.

Why was blue eyes advantageous to people living in prehistoric times?

Blue eyes are a comparatively recent mutation. They're regarded as more attractive than brown eyes an so confer a mating and reproductive advantage. In short, people with blue eyes tend to be more successful in the mating game and produce more children.

What do blue eyes add blue eyes make?

green eyes

What color eyes does Prince Harry have?

His eyes are blue.