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Colostrum is the milk that a female mammal produces immediately after the first few hours after giving birth. It contains immunoglobins, antibodies and essential nutrients that are very important for the health and vigor of a newborn.

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Willard Bayer

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Why pigs should not be fed prior to farrowing?

The more a pig is fed prior to farrowing, the more weight it gains. The problem with this is that if there is too much fat around the mammaries, they become hard because they are filled with milk that cannot escape, meaning in turn that piglets cannot suckle milk and cannot receive their colostrums.

How long before a cat gives birth does colostrum show.?

About 1 to 2 min after the kitten is out u will see the colostrums come out the queen (the Mother) will eat it in order to keep her new born from predators and also because she needs it to have enough energy for the next hours. Thus answer is incorrect, what they are referring to is the placenta, in which the foetus had grown inside the queen. Colostrum is special milk produced by the queen in the first 12-18 hours after the birth. This under normal circumstances provides the first immunity for the new born kittens. However there could be issues with mis matched blood groups in cats.

How to feed a pig?

A pig's diet on a farm is specially calculated. To give a basic guide, a non-lactating ('dry') sow (female pig) is given food containing: -meat meal (crushed meat/bones from an abbotoir) -wheat -oil (not only is the oil good, but it keeps the feed from being too dusty) -barley/other grains that may be available locally -mould prevention powder (to stop the feed from having mould in it) Another critically important factor is how MUCH food a pig is given: -dry sows are given two large scoops of food daily, to improve the condition and weight of the animal (like if it has just finished lactating and is a bit skinny) -pregnant sows are given the same amount, up until a few weeks before they farrow (give birth), to help them in their pregnancy -they then get about half the amount, because if they have a lot of fat around their mammaries (teats), the fat won't let any milk out when piglets suckle, meaning that the piglets will starve and not receive any colostrums (antibodies) and the sow may be in pain -the three days before the predicted farrowing date (according to when the pig was mated; 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days later) the feed is cut down by a quarter, and the day of farrowing the sow is not fed -after farrowing, the sows receive twice as much feed to assist with lactation

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