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Q: What is fast coloureds and non fast?
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What is The city in South Africa that has the greatest percentage of coloureds?

cape town

What is the difference between fast coloreds and non fast coloreds clothes?

The difference is fast colors won't "bleed" their color and the non fast will.

What race do you look like?

That question sound a little bit racist, but i love coloureds

Is fast food non - organic?

Fast foods are not organic.

What is an example of a change that is slow and periodic fast and non periodic fast and periodic slow and non periodic?

What is your definition of slow? Minutes, years, eons? Some that might do: slow and periodic: the progression of the seasons fast and non-periodic: an explosion fast and periodic: the swing of a pendulum slow and non-periodic: the weathering of rocks.

What are fast growing non rare plants?

The only fast growing and non-rare plants that I know of are simple bean plants such as lima beans. You can get them at any nearby store, so they can be considered non-rare. They are fast-growing as well.

What are non-fast or non scary rides at canobie lake park?

your solution isn't to try and avoid the scary/fast rides, but to sack up and get on them

Why do dreads grow so fast?

They grow just as fast as non dreaded hair

What go fast hybrid or non hybrid?


Is serratia marcescens acid-fast?

Serratia marcesens is an acid fast negative bacillus. It appears blue under the microscope.

What is the practical importance in a medical lab of the acid-fast stain?

By this technique, we can diffentiate the acid fast and non acid- fast bacteria. The non acid-fast bacteria are M.tuberculosis and N.asteriodes. They are the causative agents for tuberculosis and nocardiosis respectively. The acid fast staining or the Ziel- Nielsen's staining is the only procedure to find out the above mentioned pathogens.

When do non pilgrims fast during hajj?

Fasting during Hajj days is NOT obligatory for pilgrims or non-pilgrims.