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Q: What is it called if you graduate second in your class?
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Did Robert E. Lee graduate at the top of his class?

He was graduated second in his class.

When did William Howard Taft graduate college?

Taft went to Woodward High School from 1870 to 1874, graduating second in his class.

What is it called when you graduate at the top of your class?

valictorian ........i dont think its spelld right but as you see i wasn't the top

What the different of first class and second class of protein?

proteins from animal origin are called first class proteins. meat and fish are first class proteins because they contain all the essential amino acids (which cannot be made by the body), plant proteins are called second class proteins.

Where did Franklin D. Roosevelt graduate from?

FDR was a Harvard graduate (class of 1904)

What is no of representative who have studied up to class 10 completed class 12 graduate post graduate and have a professional degree?

All are idiots

What does a second class lower division degree mean?

From Wikipedia: "This is the second division of second class degrees and is abbreviated as 2:2 (pronounced two-two). This is generally the lowest level of degree with which a graduate can go on to postgraduate programmes (although not usually in medical or natural sciences) or graduate recruitment schemes of major companies."Usually it means between 50 and 60 percent average, but that can be a bit different depending on university.

What is the differant between first class and second class?

proteins from animal origin are called first class proteins. meat and fish are first class proteins because they contain all the essential amino acids (which cannot be made by the body), plant proteins are called second class proteins.

What is a second class?

According to the US Postal Service, what used to be called "Second-class" mail is now classified as periodicals: magazines, newspapers and other publications.

When you graduated you are now called?

A graduate (grad-you-it). When you graduate you are called a graduate(gra'ju'it), or a grad as a nick name.

Did Hillary Clinton graduate at the bottom of her class?

Hillary graduated at the bottom of her class.

What class of West Point did Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith graduate from?

Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith was a graduate of West Point's class of 1845. He ranked 26th in his class.