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Q: What is it called when you are scared of dying?
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Is dying is scared?

No! it is not scared for the saint.They are willing to die for the glory of God.

Is Justin Bieber scared of dying?

Yes I think anyone would be scared if dying won't you if you was still a teenager <3<3<3

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She was afraid of anything against love

Who said people are so scared of dying they forget how to live?


What is kiasu?

In the Singapore, Kiasu means scared of losing Also, Kiasi means scared of dying. They are derived from hokkien,a dialect in singapore.

Why are sihks not afraid of dying?

If sihks believe they have tried there hardest to do nothing wrong then they are not scared of dying without fulfilling their goal in life.

What is it called when your scared of crickets?

when you are scared of crickets it is called Entomophobia

Why do i get scared over my family dying and me never seeing them again i get reall scared of dying and sad?

Everyone Gets Scared of their family dying and to be honest there is nothing we can do to stop that but you should enjoy every minute you spend with your family and maybe have an album of all the good times and when the time comes you shouldn't remember the death you should celebrate their life and dying is part of the life cycle so it will happen some day but you should try to be prepared for this time.

What is it called when you are scared of flies?

When you are scared of flies it is called "fly phobia".

How scared was William Shakespeare of the Bubonic Plague?

very scared as you would be if your 2 sisters, 2 of your brothers and your only son were dying around you from the disease.

Why are birds and fish mysteriously dying?

2012 is now setting in. Dont be scared there is nothing anyone can do.

What is the name of the classic rock song containing the lyrics 'well you are not afraid of dying'?

Blood Sweat and Tears did a song called "And When I Die," but the lyric was "I'm not scared of dyin' and I don't really care..."