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Malfoy's name in Harry Potter is Draco.

Then there is his father (Lucius Malfoy) and his mother (Narcissa Malfoy).

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Lucius Malfoy is Draco Malfoy's

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Q: What is malfoys name in Harry Potter?
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Does malphoy die in Harry Potter?

Nope, he lives.PS: There are three Malfoys in the story, none of them die.

How many malfoys in Harry Potter have there been?

Draco Malfoy (Harry's classmate in some subjects), his father Lucius, and his mother Narcissa.

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Draco Malfoy's father's name in the Harry Potter series is Lucius Malfoy. He is a prominent Death Eater and a wealthy pure-blood wizard who is known for his loyalty to Lord Voldemort.

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There is no scientific name for Harry Potter.

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The third Harry Potter movie is called Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

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Yes, Harry's full name is Harry James Potter.

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There is no character of that name in Harry Potter.