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Q: What is meant by 'Bruno and Gretel treat Maria differently the boy in the striped pyjamas?
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Where does Bruno fit in his family in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas?

Bruno is the 8 year old brother of Gretel and son to Elsa and Ralf

Who is the protaganist in boy in the striped pyjamas?

Bruno is the protagonist.

What is bruno sister's name in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

her name is gretel. probably short for margarete, a common German name of those days.

Where did the Jews live in the boy with the stripped pajamas?

i think you ment wear, and yes they wore striped pyjamas

Boy in the striped pajamas personages gretel?

Gretel is 12, and Bruno's older sister.

What is the sons name in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

The name of the son in the boy in the striped pyjamas is Bruno

Who is Bruno's sister in the boy in striped pajamas?

Her name is Gretel. Bruno sometimes refers to her as 'A Hopeless Case.'Bruno's sister is Gretel, played by Amber Beattie.

How would you describe Bruno's sister in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas?


Why do Bruno and gretel reason that their new home is called out-with the boy in the striped pyjamas?

He thinks that he is very boring and does not like him because he wont let him read his storied he likes.

Is 'The Boy in Striped Pajamas who Bruno meets when he goes exploring?

Yes. When Bruno decides to go exploring one day he comes up against a fence where he sees a boy who is the same as him sitting. He begins to talk to the boy and they soon become friends. This is the boy in the striped pyjamas

What was outwith camp?

In The Boy in Striped Pyjamas Outwith is Bruno's name for Auschwitz.

What does Gretel say about Bruno in the striped pajames?

Gretel called Bruno things such as "dumb, stupid, idiot" and more. I think Gretel really regretted calling him mean names too.