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Q: What is responsible for walking?
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Which part of the brain is responsible in walking?

Cerebellum and Sensory motor area.

Which muscle is responsible for preventing toes from dragging when walking?

fibularis tertius

Muscle is responsible for keeping your toes from dragging when walking?

A and P? Answer is fibularis tertius

You were a pedestrian and you were hit by a car you suffered injuries what to do?

If you were walking on the crosswalk and if you were not at fault, the driver should be responsible for covering the cost of damages... assuming you were not doing anything wrong like not walking on the crosswalk, or walking on the crosswalk when it says not to...

How is friction responsible for activities like walking?

It is due to friction of your feet with the ground only, that you are able to walk. It is due to force of friction only that your car stops. Other wise as per the Newton's law of motion, the mass in motion continues to be in motion and the mass, which is stable continues to be stable. Here in walking you use energy in your body. Friction is necessary to start walking, to continue the walking. Friction is only responsible for that you do not stay in motion.

If a friend and his dog are visiting. Am I responsible if they dod not have leash on dog and it attacks a dog that the owner is walking. Am I responsible in any way?

No it is always the owners responsibility, if they fail to control their animal they are held liable.

Brain region that is injured to a person who is inability to walk and loss of balance?

The cerebellum is responsible for balance and repetitive movements, such as walking and writing.

What is a marked crosswalk?

Its a place in the road that pedestrians can walk in and if they were to get hit by a car, they are not at fault, and the driver is responsible. When you are not walking in a crosswalk, you are known to be jaywalking.

What muscle is responsible for keeping your toes from dragging when walking?

extensor hallicus longus i had this same problem in my a and p class and the actual answer is fibularis tertius

What are the main symptoms of Wernicke's syndrome?

include ataxia (difficulty in walking and maintaining balance), paralysis of some of the muscles responsible for movement of the eyes, and confusion

A person is walking through a park. A branch from a tree falls nearly hitting him. His heartbeat speeds up. Which part of the nervous system was responsible for this?

sympathetic- apex