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Q: What is scope and limitations of study in pollution?
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What is the scope and limitations of the study?

The scope and limitations of a study will be influenced by the factors that affect the subject of study. These are internal and external factors which cause direct and indirect influence on the subject.

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What is the scope and limitation of the study?

The scope and limitations of a study will be influenced by the factors that affect the subject of study. These are internal and external factors which cause direct and indirect influence on the subject.

What is the difference between scope and limitations of research study?

The scope is how far the research area has explored and parameters in which the study will be operating in. The limitations are characteristics that impacted or influenced the interpretation of the findings from the research.

How do you write scope and limitation?

When writing a scope, describe the boundaries and extent of your research or project, specifying what will be covered and what will not. Limitations, on the other hand, involve acknowledging constraints within the study, such as time, resources, or access. Clearly defining both scope and limitations helps set realistic expectations and ensures a focused and achievable outcome.

How do you write limitations for a study?

first, you must know your study and identify the topics under it. then know the scope. do not be broad. be direct and have limits.

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The scope outlines what the study will cover, including objectives and the extent of research. Limitations acknowledge potential constraints, such as time, resources, or access to data, that may impact the study's outcomes.

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Joke lang .. W