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Q: What is shallow flow?
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What are the bodies of fresh water that have little to no flow and are very shallow?

A shallow body of fresh water could be described as a pond.

What is baseflow?

A baseflow is a portion of streamflow which comes from the sum of deep subsurface flow and delayed shallow subsurface flow.

What is a baseflow?

A baseflow is a portion of streamflow which comes from the sum of deep subsurface flow and delayed shallow subsurface flow.


They are exotic rivers because they flow through an area in which precipitation is not enough to support their flow. They are maintained through the flow of water from shallow freshwater lakes, swamps, and marshes.

How does the counter of a shallow water table compare with the local topography?

Topography is important because it helps explain the movement of ground and shallow water. Shallow water flow does not take place from the right to the left side of the central hill or from the right to the left side of a stream.

What does a river flow in?

whether they are deep or wide, slow or fast flowing, shallow or steep gradient, a river flows in a channel

Which wetlands in Florida allow a shallow layer of water to flow across the Everglades?

from florida bay to lake okechobee

What is a river weir?

A weir is a shallow barrier - similar to a dam. It's designed to restrict the flow of the river without stopping it altogether.

What is the velocity of water?

Depends on the situation, a river can flow at a gentle 2 mph or the sea can race up a shallow beach at 20 mph.

Why can liquids flow from place to place?

Liquids can flow from place to place because liquids have no definite shape. Instead, a liquid takes the shape of its container. Without a container, liquid spreads into a wide shallow puddle.

Where are oceans most seriously affected by pollution?

Any oceans can hold pollution. It is mostly located in ore shallow waters but can flow out into deeper waters.

What are some examples of flow?

a block, Ping Pong ball or golf ball, kite, or simply running in the shallow pool. There are alot of things that have turbulent flow..... ping pong balls do not have turbulent flow nor does Golf balls it has laminar flow things that have turbulent flow would be a bus, a hand out the window in a y axis or just a simple building or sky scrapper basically anything with a flat surface has turbulent flow