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in the outsiders, the kids are stereotyped into groups ; "greasers" "hoods" "socs" and in real life, people are stereotyped into groups such as "popular kids" "nerds" "jocks" etc..

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Q: What is text to self connertions for outsiders?
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What is text to self in response to literature that is in language arts?

Text to self reminds you of an experience in your life

What mean text to self?

Text-to-self means to relate to something that has happen to you. I just learned text to self in Language arts it means is there anything that relates to you in the story your reading

What does text to self and text to world mean?

text to self means comparing a book or other text to life experience, text to world means comparing something in the world to something in a book or text.

What does text self connection mean?

Text to self connection is when you relate what happened in the passage book text etc your reading to you. Obviously if your text is fairy tale or that you cant make a text to self connection. For ex: in the story if you hid something cause the charecter was jealous then if you ever hid something from someone cause u were jealous then thats ur text to self connection

What is the different from text to text and text to self?

Text to text means one article to another; text to self means relating to a book.( or paragraph, whatever you read.) ex., Her bike's wheel let out air. you might think, I remember when that happened to me! The difference is that in text to text, you are remembering from one book to the next, and in text to self, you are relating to a personal moment.

What does rat race mean in the outsiders?

Term used for an endless self-defeating.

What is a text to text connection for outsiders?

its when you make a connection to something private in your life.for ex:your husband hates you than you explain why you hate him. easy and simple.

What is text to self?

When you relate something that happens in your text to something that happened to you.

What does text - to - self mean?

Text-to-self means to relate to something that has happen to you. I just learned text to self in Language arts it means is there anything that relates to you in the story your reading