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That would be French.

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Q: What is the English translation from the French of 'Repondez s'il vous plait'?
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How do you say I like that in French?

Ca me plait

How do you do french plaits on you?

get the hair that you want to plait, and tie the rest of your hair up so it doesnt get in your way you might wanna put some spray on it so it holdss then get a section from the top of your parting and separate it into 3 bitss then plait it and work your way down as you plait your way down, add in any extra hair from the sides into one of the 3 bits it took me a while until i could do it really good but.. practise makes perfect :)

What sentences or words do you need to know when traveling to France?

Here are a few useful phrases when travelling in a French country: # Hello - Bonjour # How are you? - Comment ca va? # Can you help me? - Pouvez vous m'aider? # Where can I find ...? - Ou se trouve le ...? # Do you speak English? - Parlez vous l'anglais? # Turn right - Tournez a droite # Turn left - Tournez a gauche # Straight Ahead - Continuez tout droit # How much does it cost? - Combien ca coute? # Where is the Eiffel Tower? - Pouvez vous m'indiquez ou se trouve la Tour Eiffel? # Kisses! - Bisous! # You are so beautiful - Vous etes tellement belle! There is one word that cannot be translated to any languages that only appears in the french language, the french use it to express a feeling of discontentement. The word is 'HOOnnnnn Olala'. When travelling to France, it is important to abide by strict rules of politeness. You should make sure to put in some of these words into your sentences: # Please - S'il vous plait # Thank You - Merci # Excuse me - Excusez moi # Sorry - Pardon # Good Day - Bonjour # Hello - Salut # Mrs/Miss/Mr - Madame/Mademoiselle/Monsieur # Bye Bye - Au revoir So for example, if you want to ask to a french person: 'Where is the bus station?' you should say: 'Bonjour, excuser-moi, merci, pardon madamme ou est la Gare s'il vous plait?'. Which translates to 'Hello, excuze me, thank you, sorry, Miss where is the bus station please?'. To say 'Thank you' you would respond by 'Ah Merci. Merci beaucoup. Merci a vous! Au revoir Madame! Bonne journee!'. Which literrarly translates to 'O! Thank you! Thank you very much! Thank you to you! See you later Mam! Have a nice day!'. There will be times where you will find yourself in a delicate situation. Here is a demontration. 'Bonjour! Ou es la gare s'il vous plait?'. You could end up with an answer such as: 'Ah oui la gare, c'est tres simple....'. In this case you just answer: 'Merci!'. And you ask the question to someone else ;-) You should know, that a french 'Bonjour' is always companied by the two cheek air kiss. Here is a demonstration. 'O! Bonjour Veronique!'/'Salut Sarah! Comment ca va?' kiss+kiss. From, we wish you a pleasant trip to the land of the Hellos and goodbyes that never end. 'Bye! Au Revoir! Bisous! Merci! Salut! Merci encore! A plus tard! Merci! A tout a l'heure!'

Répondez s'il vous plait?

"répondez s'il vous plaît" means "please, answer"RSVP on invitations has a roughly similar meaning (the favor of a reply is requested)"répondez s'il vous plaît" means 'please reply'

How do African Americans feel about their hair?

I am African and i don't think they all like their hair because it takes absolutely AGES to plait and it hurts when you comb it and it's pretty impossible to brush and i think it will be nice to have hair u can actually brush and wash or anything so it depends if you like sitting for more than4 hours.

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What is the translation of 'please answer ASAP' in french?

"Veuillez répondre dès que possible"

What does the phrase Repondez s'il vous mean?

The phrase is "repondez s'il vous plait" and it means "please reply" in english.

What is full form of RSVP?

The original French for RSVP is "repondez s'il vous plait." In English it translates to "please respond" to an invitation/letter.

How do you write 'please answer the question' in French?

Please answer the question or answer please :- Repondez s'il vous plait.

How do you pronounce the French word Repondez s'il vous plait?

It is pronounced "ray-pon-day see voo play" in French.

Is it rsvp to or rsvp for?

RSVP is a French phrase Repondez s'il vous plait, meaning ' please reply ' RSVP to.......

What is the full formof RSVP?

RSVP is an abbreviation, It comes from the French term "Responde sil vous plait", meaning, please respond.

Meaning of RSVP on wedding invitation card?

RSVP is French for "repondez, s'il vous plait " , literally , respond if you would please. You must respond to an invitation, yes I will attend , or no, I am not able to. You should respond either way so your host/hostess can plan the occasion accordingly.

What does the abbreviated word RSVP mean?

RSVP stands for the French phrase: Repondez s'il vous plait. It means please answer.

What does rsvp stand for Yahoo Answers?

RSVP is an abbreviation from the French "Repondez s'il vous plait" meaning Please reply.

What does the word abbreviated mean?

RSVP stands for the French phrase: Repondez s'il vous plait. It means please answer.

What is the full foam of RSVP?

Repondez vouz, S'il Vous Plait