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Since the Earth rotates at a steady rate of 360° per day, or 15° per hour (in mean solar time), there is a direct relationship between time and longitude. If the navigator knew the time at a fixed reference point when some event occurred at the ship's location, the difference between the reference time and the apparent local time would give the ship's position relative to the fixed location. Finding apparent local time is relatively easy. The problem, ultimately, was how to determine the time at a distant reference point while on a ship.

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Q: What is the Relationship between time and longitude?
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The Earth rotates at a steady rate of 360° per day, or 15° per hour so there is a direct relationship between time and longitude. If navigator on a ship knows the time they left port and has an accurate time reference on ship then they can calculate the longitude and their position. It was critical for sailors to know their location and where the nearest land was located.

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