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Q: What is the average height of an first grade female?
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What is the average eighth grade girls height?

The average height of a 8th grade girl is 5.2 - 5.5

What is an average grade 6 weight?

The grade does not matter it is the average height and the age of the child that determines there weight.

What is the average grade of a seventh grader?

do you mean the average height, weight, age or what because usually the average grade of a seventh grader is seventh grade. what are you talking about

What is the average height for a 6th grade boy?

An average height of a 6th grade boy is about 5'0-5'4

What is the average weight for a child in first grade?

Average weight for a child in first grade depends on gender and height. Visit the CDC website (, search for "growth charts." You can use those growth chart to calculate weight for age, height for age, weight for height, and body mass index-for-age for the specific gender of the child. For example, an "average" 6 year old female in the 50th percentile (that is in a group of 100, she would be in the middle) would be 45.2 inches tall, would weigh 44-46 lbs, and would have a body mass index of 15.2.

How tall is a 6th grader?

You want to know what an average 6th grade height is? Everyone is different but usually 6th graders are from 4'8" to 5'4"... I was 5 feet in 6th grade and I was always average when it came to hieght. I hope this helped. :-)

What is the average height of an 4th grade boy?

The height depends, among other factors, on the ethnicity of the cohort.

What is the average weight for a 14-year-old girl who is in the 8th grade?

Grade in school doesn't matter. It depends on your height.

Average height of fourth grade girl?

4 feet 11 inches

What is the average weight for a grade 6 student?

It depends on your height and your gender. Your doctor can tell you.

How tall are 6th grade boys usually?

The average height is about 153-155cm tall

How much does the average boy grow between 4th and sixth grade?

2 to 3 inches. 6th grade to 8th grade are bigger differences in height.