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Read, dance, sing, talk, sleep, shop, go to the park, listen to music, and give out free hugs. =)

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Q: What is the best thing to do when your bored to death other than watching?
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What does the word 'cut' mean in Bored To Death opening song?

I was wondering the exact same thing.

Why do you not do what you have to do and rather be bored?

because u r to bored to do anything because the thing that you HAVE to do is also boring (there is no way around bordom sometimes!)

What does seldom bored mean?

A person that is described as seldom bored is an active person that always seems to be engaged in doing some thing.

Why do you yawn loudly when bored?

because when you are bored, then you probably are tired of that thing your doing, or your plain out tired. Either way, you yawned. Get over it. :)

What happens if your just WATCHING a ouija board being done?

The only thing that can happen is extreme boredom, and tired eyes from watching other people push the planchette back and forth across the board.

THat if your bored its not your fault?

when you are bord is not your fault because when you are bord is not your fault because maybe the thing you are doing is just maybe really bored!! hehe

How were video games invented?

a guy got bored in a lab and he put a thing in a big machine then he played with it and it was fun and he was not bored any more

Is kingdom of loathing a whole big thing or is it just something my brother and his friends do?

Its a whole big thing but usually as a rule, if your brother is younger than 8 or 9, don't go on their websites. You'd be bored to death by overly friendly penguin games or something

Debate on are watching movies are good or bad?

i thing watching cinema is a good because it relax our mind

An other word for bored?

The word 'bored' is the past participle, past tense of the word to bore. The past participle of the verb is also an adjective (a bored hole, a bored audience).The word 'bore' is a noun, a word for:a drilling toola hole or passage made by use of a drillthe hollow part inside a gun barrel or other tubethe caliber of a firearma person whose talk or behavior is dull and uninterestingThe noun forms for the verb to bore are boredom and the gerund, boring.

Is it a sin to watch A show on Disney?

Watching TV is not a sin, no. Watching too much TV is a bad thing, however, because you should be doing other things instead of sitting mindlessly in front of the idiot box.

Why are the lion and the tiger bored at the beginning of the story?

Same thing, different day.