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Q: What is the climax for Mary Poppins by PL Travers?
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Is PL Travers the real Mary Poppins?

No, PL Travers is the author of the Mary Poppins book series. The character of Mary Poppins was inspired by Travers' own childhood governess.

How did PL Travers hated the Disney version of Mary Poppins?

PL Travers hated the Disney version of Mary Poppins because of the music and animation.

Where was PL Travers born?

PL Travers, author of the Mary Poppins books, was an Australian. She was born in the town of Maryborough, southeast Queensland.

What 1964 musical is based on the tales of PL Travers?

This was Walt Disney's "Mary Poppins", starring Julie Andrews.

Does the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious appear in any of the PL Travers books?

No, the word "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" does not appear in any of the books written by PL Travers. It was created specifically for the movie "Mary Poppins" and does not originate from any of her works.

What did PL Travers think of the movie Mary Poppins?

PL Travers did not like the movie. She had expected to be able to have a say in cutting scenes, but this did not happen. Disney was even reluctant to invite her to the premiere of the film, as he believed she would be too openly negative about it - which, indeed, she was. She felt that the film took away from the integrity of the character she had created in Mary Poppins.

Did Mary Poppins cry in the Let's Go Fly A Kite scene in Mary Poppins?

The song "Let's Go Fly a Kite" from Mary Poppins is a very popular song and is liked by PL Travers. Many people in history sing this catchy tune.

Can Mary Poppins really fly?

No. The story is fictitious and fantasy. However, the character of Mary Poppins was very loosely based on someone from author PL Travers's own childhood.

Why did PL Travers hated animation?

PL Travers hated the music and animation of Disney's Mary Poppins movie. All because they thought she was mean to the kids.

What is the copyright date of PL Travers Mary Poppins?

The book was written in l934, according to its author, P.L. Travers who was interviewed by the Council on Interacial Books for Children. there was some allegedly racist material in one of the (Poppins) novels, but not the film version.

Who owns rights to the Mary Poppins name and image?

Disney owns the rights to the 1964 movie, but the not the name and image of Mary Poppins. The family and heirs of Pamela Lyndon Travers, author of the Mary Poppins book series own the image and rights. PL Travers disliked the final Disney Production. She could not stand Dick Van Dyke or Julie Andrews in their roles, and did not like use of animation sequences in the movie.

Who is the antagonist in Mary Poppins by PL Travers?

Admiral Boom seems to be a heavy , borderline negative character. Banks, banking and defense are seen in a negative light. The argument that these jobs do not appeal to kids is not amplified but hinted at- the deeper argument that wartime separation angst is, well negative anguish is only hinted at- there is a sort of creepy communistic tone.