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A formula unit is a unit that is made up of a metal and a nonmetal. (ex: NaCl) but i think it can also be really big (ex: NaHCO3) A molecule is molecular - only molecular (ex: H2O)

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Q: What is the difference between A formula unit and a molecule?
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Explain the difference between molecule and formula unit?

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The formula unit -NaCl - (not a molecule) contain two atoms.

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Another name for a molecule is a formula unit.

Is H2O a formula unit?

No. It is a molecule. The term formula unit is generally reserved for ionic compounds.

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A formula unit includes the correct number of each kind of atoms present in a molecule of a covalently bonded compound, but an empirical formula does not necessarily do so. An empirical formula is reliable with respect to the ratios between each kind of atom, but the molecule may contain any positive integral number of empirical formulas, including one.

What is the difference between sodium plus chloride and sodium chloride?

Any difference - the formula unit is NaCl.

How many atoms are in one molecule of sodium chloride?

For sodium chloride the term formula unit is more adequate than molecule; and the formula unit has two atoms.

Is a covalent bond basic unit called formula unit?

No, the basic unit for a covalent bond is a molecule and for ionic it is formula units.