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This is easy as an "exterior scene" would be filmed open location, outside and an "interior scene" would be filmed in a closed location, such as a apartment, home, work location. Essentially, due to the magic of Hollywood, both scenes can be filmed on a set with a variety of backgrounds. Coincidentially, the "establishing shot" is edited in to give the viewer an idea of where the scene is taking place. Take, for instance, the opening of "everybody loves Raymond", there is an establishing shot of a home supposed in a residential neighborhood. Then the scene in the kitchen where Amy is made knowledgeable to the fact that Raymond told his wife who told his father who told his wife who told her other son that "she likes to talk" is called a cheap shot. There is a whole gender of movie scenes that are available on a website i haven't had time to research such as love scene, drama scene, action scene, with a subset of interior love scene, exterior action scene, so many scenes, you would have to be a director to know them all, and, then again, the director has a few scenes up his sleeve.

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Interior house paint is to be used on your inner walls like in your kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, and living rooms. Exterior paint is used for the outside of your house and most of the time it is more weather resistant. Hope it helps.

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