La Piscine - film - was created on 1969-01-31.
The duration of La Ciénaga - film - is 1.72 hours.
The duration of La Bamba - film - is 1.8 hours.
The duration of La Corona - film - is 2400.0 seconds.
The duration of La Quinceañera - film - is 2520.0 seconds.
La Piscine - film - was created on 1969-01-31.
La Piscine Museum was created in 2000.
La piscine de maman - 2007 was released on: France: 15 March 2007 (Valenciennes Film Festival) USA: 9 May 2007 (Antelope Valley Independent Film Festival)
The duration of La Ciénaga - film - is 1.72 hours.
The duration of La Bamba - film - is 1.8 hours.
The duration of La Corona - film - is 2400.0 seconds.
The duration of La comunidad - film - is 1.78 hours.
The duration of La Danse - film - is 2.65 hours.
The duration of La Señal - film - is 1.58 hours.
The duration of La colmena - film - is 1.87 hours.
The duration of La Mer - film - is 38.0 seconds.
The duration of La poupée - film - is 1.58 hours.