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Q: What is the figure of speech for Mother said that we are driving her up the wall?
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It is generally used as a figure of speech to mean that what is being said is nonsense.

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What is reported speech?

Reported speech is when we convey what someone else said by paraphrasing or quoting their words. It involves changing the tense and sometimes the pronouns to match the reporting context. For example, changing "I am hungry" to "He said he was hungry" is an example of reported speech.

Figure of speech examples?

A figure of speech is a word or phrase that insinuates more than the literal meaning. It can come in many forms such as a metaphor or alliteration. An example of a figure of speech as a metaphor would be "I have butterflies in my stomach". An example of an alliteration would be "Blue baby bonnets".

Crazy like a fox is what figure of speech?

Bill Murray said "Yeah I'm crazy, crazy like a fox" in Scrooged.

What is in reported speech Does your mother have a spare key said the the policeman?

The reported speech would be: "The policeman asked if my mother had a spare key."

Examples of irony use in figure of speech?

Irony is used to hide the true meaning of what is really wanted to be said. You're incredibly beautiful, it has been said to an ugly woman is an example of irony.

How do you identify direct and indirect speech?

Direct speech is: "Hello," he said. He said is the main thing there.Indirect speech is: 'He said hello to us'. Notice the inverted commas instead of the speech marks.

How long has Grendel's mother ruled over the lake?

Grendel's mother is said to have ruled over the lake for about 50 years. She was a powerful and vengeful figure in the epic poem Beowulf.

What is a simile for associated?

A simile is a figure of speech comparing to unlike things using the word like or as. That being said there is no set simile for associated. Are you trying to ask about a synonym?

What are direct speech and indirect speech?

Direct speech is when a person's exact words are quoted, often using quotation marks. Indirect speech is when the meaning of a person's words is reported without quoting them directly. In indirect speech, the sentence structure is usually different from the original statement.

What part of speech is 'she said'?

She is a pronoun, and said is a verb.