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The first season for the church year is Advent .

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Q: What is the first season of the Church Year?
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When is the beginning of the Church season?

The first Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of a new liturgical year.

Which is the First season of a year?

The first season of the year is winter.

What liturgical season begins the Church year?


Church season before Advent?

Advent begins the Church year, so technically there is nothing "before" it, but the season immediately preceding it is Ordinary Time.

What season is celebrated during most of the church year?

ordinary time

What season begins the Church year?

The church year starts on the First Sunday in Advent. The date can be calculated each year by counting four Sundays back from Christmas, so if Christmas is on a Monday the liturgical year started on December 3 and if Christmas is on a Sunday the liturgical year started on November 27.

Is Pentecost a Church season?

No, Pentecost, the 50th day after the Resurrection of Our Lord, marks the end of the Easter Season. There is no Pentecost season. The seasons of the liturgical year are: Advent Christmas season Lent Easter Season Ordinary Time is any time during the Church year that does not fall within one of the seasons mentioned above.

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When is the first day of the Church year?

The first Sunday of Advent is the first day of the Church year. The actual date changes each year. That can be between the 27th of November and the 3rd of December.

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2014 is the year in which the first season of Girl Meets World will set in.

Does Christmas come before Pentecost?

yes pentecost is the last season in the church year.

What is the first season is the Liturgical Year?

The year starts with four weeks of advent, followed by the season of Christmas. The first day of the liturgical year is Advent Sunday.