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The frequency of having monozygotic twins (identcal) is about 4 out of every 1000 births. Whereas dizygotic twins (fraternal) is about 12 out of every 1000.

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Q: What is the frequency of monozygotic twins versus dizygotic twins?
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What is the frequency of monozygotic twins versus dizygotic twins following IVF?

The type of twins created following IVF are Dizygotic. These are twins resulting from the fertilisation of two separate eggs by two separate sperm. Monozygotic twins are the result of a single egg dividing after fertilisation.

Twins who delevelop in separate amniotic sacs?

They are called: fraternal or dizygotic twins. Twins who develop in one amniotic sac are called identical or monozygotic twins.

What is it call when twins are fertilized into two separate cells?

Dizygotic twins. If they were fertilized in the same egg, they would be called monozygotic twins.

What is the difference between dizygotic twins and monozygotic twins?

Dizygotic twins develop from two separate ova fertilized by different sperm at roughly the same time, they are also called fraternal twins. Monozygotic twins develop from one zygote that splits apart producing genetically identical zygotes; also called identical twins.

How may types of twins are there and which type may have different sex?

There are two types of twins -- monozygotic ("identical") from a single egg, and dizygotic (fraternal) from two eggs. Only dizygotic twins can have a different sex.

What The scientific name for fraternal twins.?

Identical twins are called monozygotic. Fraternal twins are called dizygotic.

How do dizygotic twins?

Two separate eggs are fertilized. Dizygotic twins are the same as fraternal twins.

What happens to a pregnant women for her to have twins?

Twins can be identical or fraternal (monozygotic or dizygotic). For identical twins, one sperm fertilizes an egg. The zygote divides into two identical embryos. For fraternal twins, two separate eggs are fertilized. They both implant on the uterine wall, forming two zygotes.

What is the Medical term meaning identical twin?

monozygotic or maternal twins

What is another name for maternal twins?

Monozygotic Twins

What fraction of all born kids are twins?

The number of living human twins in the world has been estimated to be approximately 125 million in 2006. Roughly 1.9% of the world population. With just 10 million monozygotic twins (roughly 0.2% of the world population and 8% of all twins). The twin birth rate in the United States in 2004, 2005 and 2006 was slightly above 32 twin live births per 1,000 live birth. Note: Monozygotic = Identical twins Dizygotic = Fraternal Twins

Are monozygotic twins opposite sex?

No, monozygotic twins would be the same sex. Monozygotic twins come from one single fertilized egg, or zygote, which then splits to create two separate zygotes which will be genetically identical, or "identical twins", which will always be of the same gender.