Julie Ann San Jose's height is 5'4 1/2.
julie anne san jose
His height is listed as 6'4", but I stood next to him at the gym today. He's more between 6' to 6'2". He's also about 4' wide though and still ripped.
jose meynard
Jose Estella is the best-known Filipino composer.
Julie Ann San Jose's height is 5'4 1/2.
theboyfriend julie anne san jose is elmo magalona
Julie Anne San Jose was born on May 17, 1994.
where julie ann san jose live
She is Buddhist. Her parents happened to offer her as a gift to their God "Buddah"
she is so beautiful
julie anne san jose
her school is in angelicum college.
Her mother's name is Marivic P. San Jose.. Her father's name is Jonathan San Jose
Her mother's name is Marivic P. San Jose.. Her father's name is Jonathan San Jose