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The Conservatives of Robert Borden (1854- 1937) affected normal every day living by insisting on having public ownership of telephones and telegraphs, a reformed senate and free mail delivery in rural areas. He preached about the progressive and powerful forces of the Anglo- Canadian society and reform (but don't forget Laurier set him up for this as he tackled civil service reform first, 1908). Borden only received this imperial vision with the introduction of the Great War. The conscription crisis of 1917 completed his imperical processes.

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The British were interested in expansion and the territory that is now Canada was relatively easy for them to take over. We can say that British Imperialism actually created the modern nation of Canada. Had the British not claimed and controlled the territory that is now Canada, the territory may have been claimed and controlled by another group of Europeans or continued to be a place where the Native Americans lived in the manner to which they were accustomed.

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