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Q: What is the life saving priorities and how to access them in airway breathing and circularion?
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What is the definition of 'nasopharyngeal airway'?

Airway adjunct that is a plastic tube with a flange on the end passed through the nostrils into your airway, so you can be ventilated if you have stopped breathing and access is limited via the mouth, for example in facial trauma. The nasopharyngeal airway is used if there are complications to having a patent airway.

What are the priority of the first aid?

The priorities are ABC: Airway, Breathing and Circulation. This is because something interfering with any of the three can be extremely life threatening. We address the ABCs in the Primary Survey. If we are unable to get an airway, if the patient is not breathing, or if the patient does not have a pulse, we will have to perform either CPR (CardioPulmonary Resuscitation) or AR (Artificial Respiration).

What are the steps for airway in the ABC acronym?

Airway; open the airway is tip the head and check for breathing.

What is the ABCD of CPR?

ABCDEF pnemonic for CPR : * Airway * Breathing * Circulation * Drug administration * Electrical defibrillation * Follow up

What does CAB stand for?

Circulations Airway Breathing

What does DRABC stand for?

danger response airway breathing circulation

What are issa ABC's for primary survey?

airway, breathing, circulation

What does impeding breath mean?

Blocking someones airway / breathing

What are CABs of CPR?

CABs of CPR are: Compressions, airway, and breathing.

What do the CABDs of CPR stand for?

compression, airway. breathing, defibrillation

What is the recommended airway management technique?

The proper airway management technique is to first, sweep the mouth and check the airway for obstructions. Then position the person's head so that the airway is as open as possible to facilitate breathing.

What does DR ABC mean in first aid?

This is a 5 point plan used to approach a casualty in a first air situation. D = Danger, Check for danger to self, others and casualty. R = Response, Is the casualty conscious? A = Airway, Check the casualty's airway is clear. B = Breathing, Is the casualty breathing? C = Circulation, Do they have a pulse?