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How am I supposed to answer this question? Well I'll answer it anyway. The stomach or small intestine or pancreas or whatever produces bile is the link between the kidney and the large intestine.

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Q: What is the link between the kidney and the large intestine?
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Related questions

What are the parts of the gut that link the mouth to the stomach and the stomach to the large intestine?

The esophagus links the mouth to the stomach. The small intestine links the stomach to the large intestine.

What is a good link to see a diagram of the large intestine and the appendix?

See "Related Links" for a link of the diagram.

What is formed in the large intestine?

Here is a link to see the human digestive system.

What shape is the large intestine formed in?

Here is a link to see the human digestive system.

What organ absorbs excess water from undigested food prior to its release from the body as a solid waste?

The large intestine absorbs excess water from the undigested matter that will then become feces.See the Related Link below.

What bacteria helps digestion in the large intestine?

The human microbiome ~ see related link below .

What do large intestine do?

The large intestine is about 1.5 m long and consists of the caecum, appendix, colon and rectum - which are distributed in the abdominal cavity. The large intestine is the part of the digestive system where waste products from the food you eat are collected and processed into feces. A major function of the large intestine is to recover water used in processing the food, reducing the waste to a drier form. It also absorbs certain vitamins, some of which are released by the activity of helpful bacteria. (see also the related link)

Where does the rectum terminate?

The rectum, that final (generally) straight length of the large intestine, ends at the anal opening or anus. A link is provided below.

What is the shape of the small intestine?

The shape of the small intestine is an irregular one. The organ twists and turns around between the stomach and the large intestine. A picture would be better than an explanation, so a link is provided to the Wikipedia article on this part of our anatomy. its like an upside down letter

What part of the small intestine is the duodenum?

The duodenum is in the digestive tract, and it forms the upper part of the small intestine. It connects the stomach to the jejunum, the middle part of the small intestine. A link can be found below.

What happens to indigestible material in the small intestine?

It goes into the large intestine and then into the excetory system

What does the large intestine do?

The large intestine is about 1.5 m long and consists of the caecum, appendix, colon and rectum - which are distributed in the abdominal cavity. The large intestine is the part of the digestive system where waste products from the food you eat are collected and processed into feces. A major function of the large intestine is to recover water used in processing the food, reducing the waste to a drier form. It also absorbs certain vitamins, some of which are released by the activity of helpful bacteria. (see also the related link)