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ablutomania - mania for washing oneself


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Q: What is the mania for washing oneself?
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What does ablute mean?

# ceremonial washing of parts of the body or sacred vessels # ordinary washing of the body (from Latin luere. to wash)

What mania is Being obsessed with yourself?

Narcissism is a condition characterized by an excessive interest in oneself and a lack of empathy for others. It involves a preoccupation with one's own appearance, self-importance, and a need for admiration from others.

What is the treatment of ablutomanias?

Compulsive washing of oneself. Treatment focuses on behaviour therapy. In our experience compulsive disorders have to be treated on the basis of behaviour therapy and a disorder-specific approach

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Mania may cause reckless, high-risk behaviour; eg reckless, fast driving, unprotected sex, believing oneself invulnerable. Depression may cause suicidal thoughts.

Give you an example of a sentence using the word lavations?

Lavations is a noun meaning ablutions or washing, often used in reference to washing oneself. Example sentences: "He performed his lavations upon awakening and before retiring to his bed." "Regular gastric lavations are recommended as a cure for dyspepsia."

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What is toilette?

It is the process of washing oneself, dressing, and or attending to one's appearance.An example might be like: Emily got up to begin her morning toilette.But it's also know for perfume.

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