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The Fremantle Society's motto is 'For Fremantle people and places'.

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CBC Fremantle's motto is 'Palma Virtuti'.

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Q: What is the motto of The Fremantle Society?
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What is the motto of South Fremantle Senior High School?

The motto of South Fremantle Senior High School is 'Character'.

What is the motto of Symbiosis Society?

The motto of Symbiosis Society is 'Vasdhaiva Kutumbakam'.

What is Church Society's motto?

The motto of Church Society is 'For Bible, Church and Nation.''.

What is Philodemic Society's motto?

Philodemic Society's motto is 'Eloquentiam Libertati Devinctam'.

What is Prometheus Society's motto?

The motto of Prometheus Society is 'Fire tests gold'.

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What is the motto of South Fremantle Senior High School?

The motto of South Fremantle Senior High School is 'Character'.

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