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Q: What is the name given to a person who pretends to not have knowledge of something?
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An allocatee is a person to whom something is allocated.

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An advantage is something which assists one person over another in a given situation.

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A bread and butter speech is also known as an acceptance speech. This is something that is given when a person is elected to an office, or when a person has been given something.

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A "layman" is a person who is a non-expert in a given field of knowledge

What does the word allotment mean?

An amount of something that is given to a person.

What does 'something of an expert' mean?

I think it can be taken as an example of damning with faint praise. It is not exactly a compliment, and not an overt insult either. It suggests that a person has some knowledge of a given subject, but not enough to be highly regarded as trustworthy.

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An awardee is a party to whom something is awarded, or a person to whom something is given as a special honour.

How do you use the word 'not privy to' in a sentence?

To be 'not privy to' something means you are not made a participant in knowledge of something private or secret; you have not been given access to certain information. So if you are 'privy to' certain information, it means you have been given access.