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Q: What is the name of the horror movie from the 1980s where humans turned into demons and the demons lived in a huge underground cavern?
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Do rats live underground?

Rats live anywhere humans don't go much,. Many are underground.

What old horror movie had turtle looking creatures that ate the bones of humans?

The Boogens

Who is the strongest horror character?

Of course it's the Devil/Satan. He appears in several horror movies(like "The Devil's Advocate" with Pacino or "End of Days" with Arnie). Reasons: 1.) Only God or maybe Archangel Michael can destroy him 2.) He's the emperor of the hell so he's the master of all evil 3.) He trys to destroy humanity 4.) He has an army of demons who are invincible for humans 5.) He's damn creepy(when you think about that he could exist really, as written in the Holy Bible) 6.) Once the Devil has your soul you're doomed 7.) He causes doomsday 7.) Every crime, evil, bad ecc. has to do with the Devil

Can angels turn into demons?

some people believe that they can if they have done something terrible and unforgivable, such as kill something on purpose or to make someones life meaningless on purpose. this is my personal opinion i believe that lots of humans are already demons, because only a monster could do some of the things that they do, but if you are worried about this, simply dont do anything unforgivable if you can help it.

Will a real genie come out if you rub a lamp?

No. Genies, djinn, are ancient elementals, spirits, or demons underMesopotamian and Aramaic mythology. Earlist depictions have djin created after angels, but before humans, and they are said to exist in various forms from ifrit to ghul (ghoul). But no, rubbing a lamp will not make one appear.

Related questions

What is a caver or cavern?

A caver or a cavern means a cave.. Normally naturally built and then founded by humans.

What happened to Dr Halsey in halo reach?

She stays on Reach and inevitably dies like the remainder of the humans on the planet. Read the books for further questions. She most likely died from starvation because she stayed in a large underground cavern with a collection of covenant relics. dr Halsey had a high chance of survivng the glassing in the cavern but would inevitably run out of food

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Tiny purple demons!

Can demons cry?

Demons do not often cry as they're constantly inflicting pain on others. Well Demons are spirit creatures, they are invisible and very powerful, they are the reason why the world is so wicked. They don't need to cry as humans do and they only do what is natural for them to cause wickedness to all humans!

Can a demon be born?

Literally, no. Humans, mating with humans, can only produce human progeny. Metaphorically, yes. People can carry 'demons' (traumatic past memories) People can become demons (morally corrupt)

are demons that come to play around as part of a curse really real and can they get attached to humans?

No, the demons are part of superstitious religion beliefs and are not real.

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What type of trees are being destroyed?

All types, we humans are demons of the 4th kind.

What animals hunt alone?

owls,demons, and spiders