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Q: What is the name of the lawyer Sock's former girlfriend on Reaper?
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Which president was a former governer of Arkansas and had a cat named socks?


What year did clition adopt a cat?

The Clinton's cat, Socks, was adopted in 1991. After Clinton left office, he was adopted by Clinton's former secretary because Socks did not get along with Clinton's dog, Buddy.

How do you keep boys school socks from falling down?

You have to wash the socks in cold water, dry them, and before putting them on you have to iron the leg part. I had the same problem with my son then my girlfriend told me and I haven't had the problem since.

What color is former President Clinton's cat Socks?

Socks was a white and black domestic short hair, often called a "tuxie" or "tuxedo" cat. He was adopted by the Clintons in 1991, and he now lives with the Clinton's White House secretary Betty Currie.

Are hockey socks different from football socks?

Hockey socks have vertical ribs. Football socks are smooth. We needed to get some hockey socks for part of a school and football socks will be fine.

Which former servant of the Draco malfoy's did harry set free?

Harry Potter set Dobby, the malfoy's house-elf free by giving him socks.

socks or no socks?


How do you keep toes warm?

you ware socks socks you ware socks

Why are pop socks called pop socks?

They are small socks. They are fantastic!

1 package is to 5 socks as 4 packages are to Socks?

1 package is to five socks as four packages are to twenty socks. That is, if one package contains five socks (or five pairs of socks), four of the same package will contain twenty socks (or twenty pairs of socks) between them.

I have 2 red unmacthed socks in a drawer full of white socks How do you change these socks back to a drawer full of white socks?

Throw away the red socks

What socks have a blue P on them?

alien socks???????????? These are Prospirit socks, sold by Target.