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Hi everyone if like me u have had problems with the characters and there names well here r a few I know;)

Rango the main character !the sherif !also known as Lars before he became rango;)Voiced by Johny Depp

Beans the lizared he meets in the begging who takes him into town !Voice by Ilsa fisher;)

Roadkill the armadillo in the begging that gets hit by a car!

John the mayor of dirt;)Basicly the old turtle voiced by Ned Beatty

Rattlesnakejake The big rattlesnake at the end voiced by David Nighy

Pricillia the desert catus mouse that says rango looks funny looking;) Abigal Breslin

Waffles the spiky creature in the possie basicly the deserthorned toad u know the one that says headache, its like a puzzle, yh thats the signal something must have gone wrong voiced by James ward byrkit

Spoons the hair dude in the possie who plays the spoons and dose the signal at the wrong time;)

Ambrose the slightly fat ritch owl who is also in the possie voiced by Ian Abercrombie

Buford the toad who I have noiticed clubs people with his rifle and has a baseballbat behind the gas can saloon bar Bufordnis the main bar tender if that helps

Baltherzar the blind mole thing also know as papa the boss of all the under ground creatures!He is also voiced by Harry dean stanton!

Jedidi Baltherzars son the one with the one that says I like its when they run and other stuff like that

Mr.Marriemak the bank owner and the slightly fat squirrle voiced by Stephen root

Doc the slightly fat rabbit the docter of dirt the rabbit with one ear also voiced by stephen root

Wounded bird the raven that is a bit like an indian he is also the one that gets shot by rattlesnakejake at the end voiced by Gil birmingham

Angliqui the assitent for the mayor the fox voiced by Claudie Black

Elgin the cat in the possie the one that says whose boot prince r those and the one that starts a fight in the aqua fer;)

Furgus the realy old bird that sells the feed to beans in the begging he also say cactus dying of first dosent go well;)

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The main character in rango is rango..

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