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Q: What is the name of the man who wants to marry belle in the Beauty and the Beast?
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In the Disney version of The Beauty and the Beast what is the name of the character who wants to marry Belle?


Character who wants to marry belle in Beauty and the Beast?

His name is Gaston

What are the characters of the french Beauty and the Beast?

The French Beauty and the beast movie version (1946) Belle Belle's Father Adelaide and Falicie (Belle's sisters) Ludovic (Belle's brother) Avenant (Ludovic's friend who has a crush on Belle and wants to marry her.) The beast/the prince The Usurer

Who is Lefou from Beauty and the Beast?

Lefou is the stupid sidekick and best friend of Gaston. Gaston is the handsome and arrogant man who wants to marry Belle and leads the attack on The Beast

Who is Gaston from Disney?

gaston is the villian and he wants belle to marry him. When she refuses he kind of ransoms her father and then forgets about him when he learns of the beast and then sets off to kill the beast

What is the name of the guy who wants to marry belle in beauty and the best?

His name is Gaston.

Who is the antagonist in the story of Beauty and the Beast?

its that weird caston guy,the muscly guy,with big muscles that harasses Bell trough the movie,killed at the end by the beast

What are the characters of the french version of Beauty and the Beast?

The French Beauty and the beast movie version (1946) Belle Belle's Father Adelaide and Falicie (Belle's sisters) Ludovic (Belle's brother) Avenant (Ludovic's friend who has a crush on Belle and wants to marry her.) The beast/the prince The Usurer

In Beauty and the Beast what is the Beast?

Gaston is vain, shallow, and stupid. He does not respect Belle as an individual and only wants to marry her because she is the most beautiful girl in the village. When Gaston hears that Belle loves a beast instead of him, he decides to attack Beast's castle and kill him.

Who is Gaston in the Beauty and the Beast?

Gaston is the villain of the film. He is a rude and self-centered hunter who is beloved by the townspeople. Belle is indifferent toward Gaston until he decides that they should be married, as Belle is the only woman beautiful enough for him.After Belle's father, Maurice, reveals that Belle is being held captive by the Beast, Gaston rallies the townspeople to storm the castle. He and the Beast battle, and Gaston is thrown to his death (confirmed on a 2002 DVD commentary track).He is voiced by Richard White in both the film and an appearance on Disney's House of Mouse.

What is the resolution in Beauty and the Beast?

If you're talking about the actual fairy tale (as opposed to the Disney film) It varies from version to version but usually what happens is this: After spending time with the Beast, Beauty (for various reasons depending on what version you're reading) asks to return to her family for a visit. The Beast agrees but tells her that she must return in a certain amount of time or else he will die. Beauty goes home and either forgets her promise or is persuaded by her family to stay a little while longer. Something (usually a dream) alerts Beauty to the fact that she needs to return to the castle. When she does she finds the Beast dying and, overcome with emotion begins crying and says that he can't die because she loves him and/or wants to marry him. With that the Beast is revived, turns back into a handsome prince, and they live happily ever after. If you're referring to the Disney film: Belle returns to the castle just as Gaston is about to kill the Beast. Upon seeing Belle and realizing that she cares enough about him to return, the Beast fights Gaston and wins. Climbing up to the balcony Belle is on they have a heartfelt moment before Gaston stabs the Beast in the side. The Beast dies and Belle says "I love you" just as the last petal falls from the enchanted rose. The Beast turns back into a human and comes back to life. All the servants become human as well and Belle and the Prince live happily ever after.

What did gaston from Beauty and the Beast look like?

Gaston is the very strong, manly, egotistical, sexist and handsome main antagonist of the movie. He is hailed as a local hero and the greatest hunter, desired by many of the young women of his village. Even though many love him, he only wants the best most beautiful girl, and that is Belle. He wants to marry her and will not take no for an answer because "no one says no to Gaston"! But belle Turns him down. Later in the Movie he trys to kill the Beast who Belle now, I know it doesn't matter but, Gaston Is my favorite Disney character.