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Q: What is the name of the movie were carol Kane's skirt is ripped off by a machine?
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How does jazz die?

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A Christmas Carol is set in Victorian London, England.

Does ''A Christmas Carol'' get underlined because it is a movie?

No, "A Christmas Carol" does not need to be underlined if it is a movie title. Instead, it should be italicized if you are typing it.

Will jazz be in transformers 2?

no, because megatron ripped him in have in the first movie.

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The Movie machine was invented in 1893.

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Jazz, i think he was a Pontiac solstice

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In the third Harry Potter book, Prisoner of Azkaban, The Fat Lady gets ripped by Sirius Black in order to get into Gryffindor Tower, but I'm not sure if that happens in the movie.

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