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The stars are said to be a "gravitational binary pair"

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Q: What is the name when two stars are bound together gravitationally and orbit a common center of gravity?
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What are some things that Earth and The Sun have in common?

-- Both are members of the solar system.-- Both are visible from the Earth's surface.-- Both revolve gravitationally around their common center of gravity.-- Both are very nearly spherical in shape.

When two stars are bound together gravitationally and orbit a common mass they are know as?

A binary star.

When two stars are bound together gravitationally and orbit a common mass they're known as?

A binary star.

What is A star that is gravitationally bound to another star can either be part of a star cluster or a star?

A star that is gravitationally bound to another star can either be part of a binary star system, where two stars orbit around a common center of mass, or be part of a star cluster, where multiple stars are held together by gravitational forces within a common region of space.

How is the center of gravity applicable to engineering?

common sense !

How does the sun and earth move?

They move because they are both gravitationally bound. The Sun is bound to the Milky Way Galaxy and the Earth is bound to the Sun. Another way to put it is that they revolve around each others common center of gravity. What this mean is that, in the case of the Earth, it is falling toward the Sun's center of gravity but for every foot the Earth moves toward the Sun's center, the Sun moves a foot out of the way. The Sun is moving because it is falling toward the center of our galaxy. Again, it would make it to the center of our galaxy but for one reason. Our galaxy is moving toward the center of the Virgo Super Cluster.

The moon revolves around?

The Earth. Actually, technically, the Moon and Earth revolve around a common center of gravity, but that center of gravity falls within the earth itself.

What are stars found in pairs called?

Stars found in pairs are called binary stars. Binary stars orbit around a common center of mass due to gravitational attraction between them.

Why does the earth and moonremains in orbit?

Because the Earth and the moon are bound by the laws of gravity to revolve around each others common center of gravity.

What is the center of gravity of the elderly person?

The center of gravity for adults is the hips. However, as the person grows older, a stooped posture is common because of the changes from osteoporosis and normal bone degeneration, and the knees, hips, and elbows flex. This stooped posture results in the upper torso being the center of gravity for the elderly person.

How gravity and centrifugal force work together?

Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards each other, causing them to orbit around a common center of mass. Centrifugal force is the force that pushes objects away from the center of rotation, counteracting the gravitational force. The balance between these two forces determines the stable orbits of celestial bodies in our solar system.

What happens because the moons gravity pulls on the earth?

The moon's gravity pulls on the Earth, causing ocean tides to rise and fall. It also creates tidal forces that slightly deform the Earth's shape and slow down its rotation. Additionally, the moon's gravitational pull helps stabilize Earth's axial tilt, which is important for our planet's climate and seasons.